mercoledì 27 giugno 2007

Terra Naomi o Naomi Terra?

terraUna ricerca svela il mistero: giusta la prima [a me sembrava filare di più il si sa com'è il mondo dell'arte!]

Ho letto su "L'Espresso" e altra carta stampata alcuni articoli su di lei. Ne diffido sempre un po', ma questo è il succo: la ragazza, ispirata dal film di Al Gore scrive di getto una canzone, ne pubblica il video su Youtube, e da lì il boom...successo modiale, a sentir i media.

In più, alcuni altri aneddoti un po' improbabili.
Più un accenno alla sua somiglianza con Keith Richard [????].

Io musicalmente sono poco preparato e sono pronto ad ammettere la mia ignoranza soprattutto in questo caso...

...Fede di Accentosvedese se ci sei vienimi in aiuto!...

I see the lights are turning and I look outside
The stars are burning through this changing time
It could have been anything we want
It's fine, salvation was just a passing thought
It was just a passing thought

Don't wait, act now
This amazing offer won't last long
It's only a chance to pave the path we're on
I know there are more exciting things to talk about
And in time we'll sort it out
And in time we'll sort it out

And though they say it's possible
To me, I don't see how it's probable
I see the course we're on spinning farther from what I know
I'll hold on
Tell me that you won't let go
Tell me that you won't let go

And the truth is such a funny thing
With all these people
Keep on telling me
They know what's best
And what to be frightened of
And all the rest are wrong
They know nothing about us
They know nothing about us


I'm not alright


This could be something beautiful
Combine our love into something wonderful
But times are tough I know
And the pull of what we can't give up takes hold

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